Veteran Tom Moore who is 99 raises 12 million pounds for the NHS
Even though this is a sombre mood for our nation we can still take heart from the amazing courage and generosity of people at this time. We can also take heart that even though there are hard times to come we can all pull together to get through this Covid19 pandemic.
A great example of someone who is doing his bit to help during these tough times is veteran Tom Moore. Tom is 99 years of age and he originally set out to raise £1000 for the NHS, he has now well and truly trumped that target and has raised more than 12 million pounds which will help the NHS in these most unprecedented of times, here is a photo of NHS workers showing their appreciation.

Tom said he would walk 100 laps around his garden and at 99 years of age he did just that. Tom was inspired by the care he received from the NHS workers when he was admitted to hospital with cancer and a broken hip. It has been reported that 150 charities are going to benefit from this cash boost that Tom has raised.
Over 600,000 people have donated to Tom’s cause and even he did not expect the influx of donations. Tom has this advice for those currently in lockdown during this pandemic, Tom goes on to say.
“You’ve all got to remember that we will get through it in the end, it will all be right. For all those people finding it difficult at the moment, the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away.”
Tom is a true inspiration and it just goes to show it doesn’t matter how old you are in this world you can still make a difference, Tom raising 12 million pounds at 99 years old is certainly proof of that and why we can all take hope, courage and bravery from Tom at this time of national crisis.