Social Care Wales
We are an award winning health and social care company based in the heart of Wales providing domiciliary care and social care to locations all over Wales. We carry out quality in-house training ensuring all of our social care trainers are fully equipped to carry out first class care in any given environment.
In Wales we have worked with many brands collaborating with them to ensure adults both elderly and vulnerable are cared for and looked after, here are the brands that trust us to carry out quality social care in Wales.
Our carers work both in a residential setting but also carry out social care in Mental Health units, NHS departments and private homes.
We have social care workers who have also won awards that makes us an award winning agency. We put forward our senior care support worker Sara Wells for a social care award at the Wales Care Awards 2017, Sara scooped the top prize, here is Sara pictured furthest right with her award along with her certificate for “Excellence in Dementia Care Award”.
Here at ProCare Nursing we have been established for over 20 years. In this time we have worked for local authorities such as Cardiff Council who trust us to carry out first class social care for people all over Cardiff.
We go above and beyond for all of our clients, we can service every social care requirement you have, if you need carers for call outs for 1 hour per week we can service that requirement, if you need full 24 hours support 7 days a week we can service that requirement, we know how important caring for people is, we are here to provide the solutions you need to ensure people from the elderly to vulnerable adults live a healthy life receiving quality social care.
Contact us to see what social care packages we have and to arrange a meeting we are happy to help.