Report makes recommendations for improving how the criminal justice system serves older victims of abuse
Up to 1 million elderly people are suffering abuse every year in the UK. Today we look at a recent report that outlines the reasons for an elder abuse law, a law would make it possible for people who abuse the elderly from carers to other abusers to be prosecuted.
If there was an elder abuse law and there were successful prosecutions this would lead to a deterrent, this would help bring abuse statistics down improving the quality of care in homes all over the UK.
What does the report say?
The report that has been put together by the HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) and HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI).
The report outlines a number of recommendations for improving how the criminal justice system serves senior citizens and the elderly.
Sadly the report is scathing and it clearly states that the police and the criminal justice system are letting down elderly people, the report goes on to say that the authorities do not understand the needs of elderly people or the abuses carried out, there is also a lack of collaboration between the police and the Crown Prosecution Service that focuses on serving the elderly when a crime has been committed against them.
The report not only criticises the collaboration between the police and CPS but also criticises collaboration between police and local authorities, it was found that 51% of 192 care neglect cases investigated victim care was poor.
Free National Helpline
If you need any advice you can call our ProCare Nursing office for any help and advice on 029 2025 0611, if you feel you need more confidential advice then there is a national helpline setup by the charity “Action on Elder Abuse” there number is 080 8808 8141.
The helpline is open to all who need advise on elder abuse in the UK, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. The helpline is there to guide people in the right direction especially if someone suspects abuse is taking place or they themselves are the victim of abuse, either way the national helpline can help so nobody has to suffer in silence.
ProCare Nursing is here to help improve care quality in Cardiff and Wales
ProCare Nursing has over 20 years experience in the health and social care sector, we are committed to delivering high standards of care to our service users. Our head office is pictured below.
We are alarmed by the statistics the charity “Action on Elder Abuse” has published where 1 million elders are victims of abuse every year.
We are committed in ensuring that all of our carers are fully equipped to carry out quality care in our local communities. We carry out all of our training in-house and stress the importance on why care has to be carried out thoroughly and compassionately. Here are photos of in-house training taking place at our training centre.
We want to bring abuse statistics down especially here in Cardiff and Wales. We can only contribute to that by providing quality care instilling a passion in our care support workers that elderly people deserve respect and to live out a dignified life.
If you have any queries with regards to any of the care packages and services we offer get in touch we are happy to help.