We recognise our carers efforts and reward them with certificates of excellence
We have been writing recently on how all care support workers in Wales need to be officially registered by April 2020. The reason for this new measure being introduced by the Welsh Government is to increase the professionalism in the health and social care sector, this new measure will also ensure workers get the recognition and training they need to carry out first class care.
At ProCare Nursing we recognise the efforts of our residential care workers and domiciliary care workers. We have our own in-house award scheme and issue certificates to our carers who have gone above and beyond their duty of care. Here is an example of a certificate of excellence we issued in November 2018 to one of our carers.
We like to reward our workers and recognise their efforts for providing quality care in our local communities in Cardiff. Here is a photo of Sam collecting her employee of the month certificate.
We firmly believe that recognising our carers and office workers efforts and high standards of work gives them pride in themselves, it also shows they are appreciated by the company and will add to their motivation continuing to deliver high standards of care to our service users.
ProCare Nursing have been established for over 20 years and are an award winning care agency, we walked away with the “Excellence in Dementia” care award at the Wales Care Awards in 2017. The reason we win awards is because we go above and beyond equipping our carers with the skills they need to be able to carry out quality care to the service user.
We have our very own training facility based at our offices in Canton. We carry out all kinds of courses from manual handling to Prevention, Management, Violence and Aggression courses. Here are a range of photos of course participants receiving training.
We carry out all of our training in-house to ensure quality control of every course taught. A lot of care agencies in Cardiff will carry out training off-site where free lancers teach health and social care skills. The problem with outsourced training is you cannot be sure if training is carried out thoroughly or if the free lancer is in the industry for a fast buck.
Not all but some free lance trainers may well just tick the boxes and say training has been carried out and do a mediocre job of it, the problem with this is carers will go into the field ill equipped and unable to offer high quality care. In-house training ensures that all training is taught to a high standard and all care workers have all the skills they need to carry out quality care for the service user.
We go above and beyond ensuring high standards are the name of the game at our care support agency. We take interest in our carers and want to to motivate them to carry out first class care in Cardiff and the South Wales area.