Our Prevention Management Violence Aggression course keeps care support workers safe
Over the past two days we have been delivering a PMVA training course, PMVA stands for Prevention Management Violence Aggression. This course teaches carers how to protect themselves in the event of conflict when caring for the service user. Here are a few photos of course participants taking part in learning restraint techniques to protect themselves from potential aggressive service users.
Due to the environments in which care supporters are delivering care conflict can be highly likely. Carers work in environments such as Mental Heath units and mental residential housing where people with severe Mental Health conditions live, this makes confrontations and aggressive behaviour a high risk which is why carers have to be well trained.
Here are photos of carers learning the latest restraining techniques from locks and protection restraints.
Our PMVA course is taught in-house at our specialist training centre, we carry out all training in-house to ensure quality control of the course, we do not outsource any training to a third party so that we can oversee all training that takes place, the problem with outsourced training is you don’t know if the training will be carried out thoroughly and to a high standard, this is why we make in-house training a priority so we can ensure training is to the highest standard.
The PMVA course also looks at the theory of being able to diffuse potential conflict and looks at the following:
* Non-aggressive conflict management
* How to manage potential dangerous situations
* How to communicate with service users in the event of conflict
Lots of information is taught over the course of the two days, all course participants gain a certificate for participating on the PMVA course.
All of our trainers are fully qualified and have years of experience delivering care support and PMVA training. We invest in the best trainers and investing is worth it to ensure care support workers are well equipped and well trained.
When considering applying for a career in care then always make sure that thorough and quality training is available and get reassurance from the agency, the last thing you need setting out in a career in care is to have a bad experience, here at ProCare Nursing we believe care work is a fulfilling and rewarding career path especially if you’re a compassionate person.
If you would like to know of any career prospect and care support work opportunities get in touch we want to hear from you. We have all of the necessary facilities to ensure you are fully trained and equipped and once gaining experience you will be able to progress in the health and social care sector.
We are also a health and social care agency that promotes diversity and inclusivity, we believe in a culture of respect and compassion and focus in five key areas of diversity and inclusivity these are:
* Disability
* Gender
* Multi-cultural
* Multi-generational
Get in touch for more information we are happy to help.