Nursing student numbers are still falling recent statistics show
Statistics recently released in England show that the number of students being accepted onto undergraduate nursing degree courses are not enough, with demands on health services increasing there is a call for more nurses and not less.
If nursing student placements are in decline then meeting increased health demands in the future is looking grim. Here is an infographic from the Royal College of Nursing that shows the decrease.

These figures have been produced by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).
Increased pressure on health services
Earlier this year on June 20th we wrote about the demand on health services is going to increase. The BBC reported that there will need to be 20,000 more care workers in Wales by 2030, this is because people are living longer and more people will be over the age of 80 by 2030. You can read the full article by clicking or pressing the link below.
20,000 more carers needed in Wales by 2030
This is an example of more increased pressure on health services in the not to distant future. If less nurses and care support workers are being trained and recruited then it will be very difficult to meet the 20,000 extra carers that are needed by 2030.
Nursing educational placements decreasing
In 2019 there were 1360 less people being accepted onto nursing degree courses in England. Government ministers stated that the reforms made in student finance would increase numbers in nurse placements , however, this has not worked, based on recent statistics 40,000 nursing placements are un-filled and vacant in the NHS to this day.
The Royal College of Nursing has stated on their website that the Government need to commit more spending to promote nursing careers, funding should also support nurses while they receive their education and training.
Extra funding proven to help boost nursing numbers
The Royal College of Nursing has called on the Government to increase spending on nurse recruitment. Based on figure’s released in Scotland increased funding has been proven to boost nursing placements. Nursing degree course placements increased by 8% in 2018, a reason for the increase can be credited to an increase in funding promoting nursing placements by the Scottish Government.
ProCare Nursing are recruiting Registered Nurses
ProCare Nursing have been recruiting Registered Nurses for over 20 years. If you are a Registered Nurse then get in touch we want to hear from you, we have all of the facilities needed to support you in your nursing career. We have a dedicated Nurse Manager who is here to help nurses with personal development, training and re-validation with the NMC. Nurses will be supported from start to finish with ProCare Nursing.
Contact us
We have been established since 1997 and have over 20 years experience delivering high standard care to locations all over Cardiff, Wales and South West England. Our contact details are below, get in touch and enquire about our nursing positions.
Tel: 029 2025 0611