New Mental health research urges change to tackle ‘Human Rights Scandal’
The University of Manchester have been conducting research and has concluded that people with Mental Health conditions often also suffer with drastic physical health challenges such as diabetes and obesity.
Not only are people with Mental Health conditions suffering but they are also suffering with physical health symptoms brought on by their Mental struggles, this becomes a double whammy for the person who has a Mental Health condition, they also suffer with physical health defects making life more difficult.
Not only are people suffering with both physical and mental conditions but these conditions also reduce life expectancy by 20 years. Dr Joseph Firth who is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Manchester went on to say,
“Patients with Mental Health conditions are likely to develop physical health problems from obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, the physical health conditions developed by people having a Mental Health condition can be regarded as a human rights scandal as it is reducing the life expectancy by 20 years of those with Mental Health conditions.”
The research specifically highlighted that those with serious mental illness will be at higher risk to smoking, lack of sleep and having a bad diet and eating more junk food all of which can lead to physical health conditions.
ProCare Nursing agree that changes need to be made when it come’s to Mental Health in the UK, Wales and Cardiff. We have written that sadly Brexit is dominating the political atmosphere and attention is being diverted away from health and social care services, this needs to change so that reports like the one created by the University of Manchester can be debated by MP’s in the house commons and changes introduced to the system.
How ProCare Nursing can help in Cardiff and Wales
ProCare Nursing is passionate about Mental Health and are here to provide quality care to our service users who have Mental Health conditions. We promote healthy living and do our utmost to ensure service users live a healthy and active life.
We have award winning Care Support Workers that have been working for ProCare Nursing for over 10 years. Sara Well’s is one of our senior Care Support workers who specialises in Mental Health care. We put Sara forward for an award at the Wales Care Awards, Sara walked away winning the award for “Excellence in Dementia Care”. Here is Sara pictured furthest right with her award at Cardiff City Hall after the event ceremony.
We are here to help you with any care requirements you have
We are here to support you from providing fully trained carers and Mental Health nurses that can offer quality care improving the living standards of the people they care for.
Get in touch if you have any care requirements regarding Mental Health patients. We have care packages that can suit any complex need, packages can provide care for one to two hours per week or twenty four hours seven days a week, it does not matter how big or small the requirement we can help, arrange a meeting at our office pictured below.