Lets take a recap of where ProCare Nursing is at
Over the last 6 months we have been investing more and more in our health and social care agency. Lets break down some of the key changes we have been making that are already improving our health and social care agency and the services we deliver.
1) We have employed a new Nurse Manager
We recruited Sarah Evans our new Nurse Manager. Sarah has come with a philosophy of helping nurses with their personal development and training. We have already recruited a number of qualified nurses and are making time for them to receive personal development reviews.
Not only is Sarah improving the standards of nursing in our agency, she is also helping nurses re-register with the NMC and supporting nurses through this process. Here is Sara pictured below.
2) We have invested in our in-house training facility
To ensure that we deliver high standard care services, we have developed our own in-house training facility. Throughout the last two months we have been consistently stating that in-house training is very important, it is important as we are able to oversee all training carried out.
A lot of health care companies will out-source training, this is problematic, why? Because the training may not be well delivered and of poor quality, overseeing training ensures quality control. Here are a number of photos of training being developed to existing and new care support workers from our in-house facility.
3) We have employed a new Training and Learning Development Manager
As well as having our own in-house training facility, we have also employed a new Training and Learning Development Manager to oversee training, not only overseeing training but also developing the health care courses being delivered.
Having a dedicated training manager will only help improve the care being delivered by our agency. All care support workers will be well equipped and receive training that will only help service users live a dignified life and improve quality of life.
4) We have invested in over £20,000 in new technology
We are employing people and developing in-house training courses and facilities, but if we do not have the technology to support our employees then we cannot improve the care we deliver from our agency. This is why over the past 6 months we have been investing in new technology to ensure we can deliver high standard care services supporting all of our office staff and care support workers.
We have recently safeguarded all of our IT infrastructure and installed new anti-virus and firewall software, this ensures that all of our data from employees and service users is safe, this was a £1000 investment made by us.
The next investment we made was a whopping £20,000. We have invested in an OTP Device system, this system will track care support workers and ensure all calls to services users homes and locations are carried out.
In the past you would have to take a care support workers word for it, that they have been to a service users home or location and carried out the appointment. However in some cases appointments are missed or falsely claimed to have been carried out, the OTP system will stop all that from happening and tell us digitally if and when appointments have been delivered.
We are not saying that we do not trust our care support workers, we have the most loyal and dedicated care support workers, but as we were taught in school one person can spoil it for the rest, this system will iron out the chinks in the armour and tell us who is delivering appointments and who is not, we can then ensure we have the best care support workers working for our agency. What is paramount is we deliver the highest standard of care to our service users, the OTP system will enable us to do just that.
Contact us
The changes we have made at our health and social care agency clearly show our commitment, and dedication in striving to deliver care that is of the highest standard to service users. If you are a health care company working in the private or the public sector get in touch, we can help deliver all of your care requirements on time, on budget and to the highest of standards.