Five reasons to choose ProCare Nursing as your next health care provider
ProCare Nursing are an established health and social care agency. We care about every care requirement and last detail when it comes to our service users, we offer personalised care packages that ensures the biggest to the littlest care need is serviced. Here are five reasons why you should use our health and social care agency.
Reason 1
We are a health and social care agency that has been around for over 20 years. We were established in 1997, the question you have to ask yourself here is, we have been delivering care in Cardiff and across Wales for over 20 years. We provide care to vulnerable people and services users to the highest standard.

Reason 2
ProCare Nursing is an award winning health and social care agency. We have won awards both past and present because we offer care packages that are consistently delivered to a high standard. Here are two awards we have won at the Wales Care Awards, one in 2014 and the other in 2017.
Here is a photo taken in 2014, where one of our carers won a “Personal Care” award.

The next photo was taken in 2017 at Cardiff City Hall. We put Sara Wells forward for an award for “Excellence in Dementia Care”, Sara won the award, here is Sara pictured furthest right along with her certificate.

Reason 3
We train all of our carers in-house. We ensure that all of our care support workers receive mandatory health and social care training along with any new training material that becomes available. Here are photos of our latest training courses being delivered to carers.

We do our training in-house to ensure we quality control all training, it is very important that care support workers are equipped to deliver first class care, therefore our training must be to the highest standard, in-house training leads to quality care being delivered in the field.
Reason 4
We invest in managers who have years of experience in training and the nursing field. To ensure smooth running of our health and social care agency we have employed John Williams our new Group Learning Development Manager, here is John pictured below.

John is responsible for overseeing all training being conducted from our in-house training department, John will be ensuring that our carers receive all of the latest health and social care training. We have also employed a Nurse Manager. Here is Sarah pictured below.

Sarah bring’s with her a wealth of experience and over 10 years experience working in the health and social care sector. Sarah is responsible for ensuring all nurses receive the training and personal development they need, as well as helping nurses with re-validation with the NMC.
We are committed in bringing the best people on-board our team. Our belief is the service user has to be at the heart of everything we do, investing in key personnel will only benefit service users and the care we deliver out in the field.
Reason 5
We are a health and social care agency that personalise care packages. Health and social care agencies can be very stringent when it comes to care packages offering the bog standard, we are not like that at ProCare Nursing, we personalise care requirements, if the service user requests specific care needs we make sure we deliver them.

For example, a service user may want one of our carers to come to a household without uniform and for them to be plainly clothed, this is because a service user may not want the neighbourhood to see they are being cared for, they want to retain their dignity and pride. This is just one example of many personalised care requirements we can deliver.
Contact us
The reasons we have given above are reasons you should contact us to be your next health care provider. It does not matter how big or how small the care requirement is we will service it, that is what we are here for to give you peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are in safe hands. Contact us we are happy to help.
Tel: 029 2025 0611