ProCare Nursing provide care plans for Mental Health patients

If you have a loved one or have care requirements relating to someone who has Mental Health conditions, get in touch we can help. ProCare Nursing have been providing care plan’s for Mental Health patients for over 20 years, we can personalise our care packages so that it fits in with exactly what service user’s care requirements are.

We don’t just say this is what our care package is take it or leave it, we invite our clients to come to our office and discuss a service user’s every need. We take the well being of service user’s very seriously aiming to ensure they live healthy and dignified lives.

ProCare Nursing was established in 1997, we have over 22 years’ experience delivering care to an array of services user’s that have diverse care requirements. Not only do we have years of experience caring for those with Mental Health conditions, but we also have care support workers who have years of experience working in the care field.

We have award winning Mental Health workers

Sara Wells one of our most senior care support workers, has worked with many services user’s who have Mental Health conditions. Sara in 2017 won an award for her efforts in caring for those with Mental Health conditions, we put forward Sara for the award for “Excellence in Dementia Care” at the Wales Care Awards, Sara walked away with the award on the night, here is Sara pictured furthest right with her award at Cardiff City Hall.

This shows we are a health and social care agency that can be trusted to deliver quality care to service user’s, especially those who have Mental Health conditions.

We carry out all health and social care training in-house

We ensure we train all our care support workers to the highest standard. We teach carers all the latest training material to help them better care for those who have Mental Health conditions. We also train our care workers restraining techniques that will help protect themselves as well as service user’s. Our PVMA course teaches how to resolve conflict, and how to manage volatile situations that can occur when delivering care for those with Mental Health conditions. Here are a number of photos of training taking place at our in-house facility.

It is important to mention that if service user’s are restrained using locking techniques, they must be carried out in the most dignified manner that reduces a service user’s stress, yes service user’s are likely to be stressed which is why they are being restrained, however we take very seriously how service user’s are restrained in the event of volatile situations, the service user’s dignity and safety are paramount to ProCare Nursing, it is very important that we care for service user’s in any given situation and that they receive only the best care.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss any care requirements you have get in touch. We have years of experience putting care plans in place for Mental Health patients that help them live better dignified lives. Our contact details are below.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

Help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Firstly, what is Coronavirus (COVID-19)? COVID-19 is an illness not been seen before and to put it simply it is a virus that affects your lungs and airways.

We have been issuing advice and guidelines to all of our carers at Procare Nursing when it comes to the Coronavirus. We have instructed all of our carers to take extra thorough precautions such as washing hands regularly, and for those experiencing symptoms to self-isolate.

While our carers are doing everything possible to contain the further spread of the virus if it does land on a big scale here in Cardiff and across Wales, we are also issuing guidelines on how you can help.

How can you help?

If you’re experiencing any symptoms such as a cough or high temperature, this is the first sign that you could possibly have the Coronavirus, in this case you should self-isolate for 7 days. Not going out into public spaces will ensure that the germs will not spread to other people, this is why the government is currently assessing the need to cancel all public events where attendances are high.

It is very important to maintain high levels of personal hygiene, washing your hands regularly and thoroughly will help prevent the spread of the virus, here are detailed instructions on the best practice for washing your hands.

It may seem simple but when you think about it, when you normally wash your hands it may only take 10 second, but by increasing the time and thoroughly washing your hands for up to 30 seconds this will significantly help prevent the spread of the virus.

When should you contact the NHS 111 helpline?

If your symptoms get worse and your condition gets to a point where you feel you cannot cope this is when you should seek help. You can call the 111 NHS helpline, this is a dedicated helpline to help advise you on what to do next, however only ring the helpline if you feel the following:

• you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home

• your condition gets worse

• your symptoms do not get better after 7 days

We hope this article has given solid advice on how you can help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and gives you advice in the case that you contract the virus. There is help at hand and rest assure that ProCare Nursing is doing all it can to ensure the safety of all of our carers and service users, the service user is at the heart of everything we do and we have taken every precaution to ensure their safety during this worldwide pandemic.

Contact us

ProCare Nursing are a health and social care company with over 20 years’ experience working in the care sector. If you have any queries, please get in touch we are happy to help. Our contact details are below.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

We provide Homecare for elderly people in Cardiff and across Wales

ProCare Nursing for the past 20 years have provided homecare for elderly people in Cardiff and across South Wales. We are an award-winning health and social care agency and have award winning carers providing excellent home care for elderly people.

We service many areas in Cardiff from Grangetown, Canton, Butetown, Leckwith, Cardiff Central, Cardiff Bay, to the northern parts of Cardiff from Lisvane, Llanishen, Radyr and Rhiwbina, plus many more areas. We also provide care for areas all over Wales from, South, West, Mid and North Wales.

ProCare Nursing believe that the service user should be at the heart of everything we do. We therefore carry out thorough training plans for all our carers, and also ensure we carry out personal development reviews. Carrying out plans like this only helps increase the high standards of care delivered to service user’s.

We are passionate about caring for elderly people who have an array of needs. If elderly service user’s have Mental Health conditions we can help, we understand that at an older age conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease can take affect, we therefore ensure care support workers know how to deliver care to elderly people with these conditions.

We have award winning care support workers

Here is an example of one of our care support workers being honoured at the Wales Care Awards in 2017. We put forward Sara Wells one of our senior care support workers for an award, on the night Sara won the award for “Excellence in Dementia Care”. Here is Sara photographed furthest right with her award along with her certificate.

This shows we are an award-winning agency, your elderly loved one’s will be in good hands when receiving care from our health and social care agency.

Our care packages focus on the specific needs of service user’s

We understand the importance of tailoring packages to suit specific service user needs. Not every service user young or older have the same needs, it is therefore important to adapt care packages, so it meets diverse care requirements.

For example, service user’s may have care needs where they need help dressing in a particular way, or going to the bathroom, it comes down to exactly what service user’s needs are and that is where we are here to help. One of our main objectives is to ensure service user’s lead a dignified and healthy life as possible.

Contact us

If you have any home care requirements for elderly people in your family or surroundings get in touch. We have package’s that are tailored to service user’s needs. Our contact details are below.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

ProCare Nursing provide full guidance to all carers on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

ProCare Nursing have been fully prepared when it comes to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have briefed all our carers at our agency on all the necessary safety precautions that need to be taken.

Our service user’s health and safety is paramount at our health and social care agency. We have instructed all our carers to take extra duties onboard from thoroughly washing hands along with other precautions. We have provided information on the symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and what you should do if you have symptoms.

If any of our carers have symptoms of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) we are advising them to self-isolate and get in touch with their local GP, this will prevent the further spread of the virus to any of our carers and service users, there is also the NHS helpine that can be used for further advice, the number you need to dial is 111.

We have issued advice on washing hands to all our carers working out in the field, including all our office staff co-ordinating from our head office.

Only yesterday did the World Health Organisation declare Coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. The virus has spread to over 20 countries in Europe, there are currently 460 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the UK mostly within England, from which there have been 8 confirmed deaths, however, there have been over 4000 deaths worldwide.

Sporting events have been cancelled, football matches are being played behind closed doors or postponed, the latest sporting development is the Mclaren F1 team have pulled out of the opening Australian F1 Grand Prix taking place at Albert Park, Melbourne, after a mechanic was diagnosed with the virus.

It has been reported by the BBC that the UK Government is to step up its response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) to stop the virus further spreading. We have advised any carers not to report to work if they are experiencing symptoms.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has surpassed the SARS virus. SARS killed 774 people from November 2002 to July 2003, however COVID-19 has killed 3 times that many people within eight weeks, these statistics are alarming, but, rest assure that ProCare Nursing are doing all we can to ensure all carers and workers are properly informed with regards Coronavirus (COVID-19), with the safety of our carers and service users at the heart of all the guidelines issued.

Contact us

If you have any care concerns or enquiries get in touch, we are happy to go through any details. ProCare Nursing have over 20 years’ experience working in the health and social care sector. Use our contact details below to get in touch.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

ProCare Nursing care for people who have dementia

We have recently talked about a study carried out by the London School of Economics and Political Science.

The study looked at dementia and how the study predicts that people diagnosed with dementia is going to increase if not double by the year 2040. So we thought now would be a good time to highlight the fact that we care for many service users that have a form of dementia.

Firstly what is dementia, dementia is an umbrella term that covers a whole range of conditions that affect the way our brain works. In-fact there are actually 200 sub-types of dementia, the most common are:

1) Vascular Dementia

2) Frontotemporal Dementia

3) Mixed Dementia

4) Alzheimer’s Disease

5) Dementia with Lewy Bodies

We care for many people that have these forms of dementia. There can be a number of challenges when caring for those who unfortunately have dementia, these can be:

Challenging Behaviour

When caring for people with dementia carers are faced with behavioral problems, from bad language and insults hurled towards the carer.

Communication Problems

People with dementia can often be forgetful and their ability to communicate diminishes. A carer has to have great patience when caring for people with dementia especially those with Alzheimer’s Disease.

Aggressive Behaviour

Dementia patients can often act in an aggressive manner. Those who suffer with Alzheimer’s Disease can find it difficult to state their needs to people like carers, because this can be frustrating for the service users they can act out in aggression, this can be challenging for the person caring for the service user.

Confused and Disorientated Behaviour

People who have dementia can become confused and disorientated, challenges for carers is to ensure they stay vigilant as dementia patients have been known to go missing or get lost, if a dementia patient wanders off and are left alone then their safety is at risk and the buck always stops with the carer.

ProCare Nursing is an award winning agency

ProCare Nursing have award winning carers who provide first class dementia care to the service user. Sara Wells is one of our senior Mental Health care support workers and has worked for ProCare Nursing for over 10 years. We put Sara forward for an award at the Wales Care awards in 2017, the event was held at City Hall in Cardiff.

Sara walked away winning her category which was the “Excellence in Dementia Care Award”, here is Sara pictured below furthest right with her award and certificate.

Here at ProCare Nursing we train all of our care support workers how to deliver first class care especially for those with dementia. We carry out all of our training in-house to ensure quality control of the mandatory training being taught. Here are photos of a recent PMVA course that teaches carers how to protect themselves from aggressive service users using the latest restraint techniques.

We also teach the theory of diffusing hostile situations without physical restraint, here is Paul one of our trainers teaching our mandatory health and social care training to our carers that includes CPR and conflict resolution.

Contact us

ProCare Nursing is here to help you with any care needs you have with regards to those who have a dementia condition, get in touch to arrange a meeting we are happy to discuss any requirements you have.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

ProCare Nursing providing social care in Wales for over 20 years

We are an agency that provides first class social care in Wales. We have over 100 employees and trainers ensuring carers are well equipped to carry out only the best social care in Wales.

We have won awards and are a preferred provider for local authorities in Wales. We work for many health organisations providing a range of care packages that service requirements for people of all needs, these include those with Mental Health conditions to vulnerable adults and senior citizens.

Here are a range of organisations we service in our local community.

These organisations trust us to deliver quality care and have done so for many years. Over the past few weeks we have been talking about Brexit and how it maybe having a negative affect on the health and social care sector in Wales, well at ProCare Nursing our standards are not slipping we are actually improving standards and investing in our company.

We have recently invested in a new operations manager and also invested in a number of office staff to ensure we continue to deliver high standards of care. We are committed to our service users and carry out regular training from refresher courses leading to a qualification in QCF level 2 in health and social care.

We have our very own training centre here are ProCare Nursing. All of our training is delivered in-house and not outsourced, a lot of care companies in Wales do a lot of outsourcing when it comes to training but we believe doing training in-house ensures quality control of the courses we teach. Here are a few photos of our training being taught at our in-house training facility.

We have the advantage as our in-house training facility allows us to deliver quality training that only equips our carers and enhances their care skills, as mentioned earlier we have over 100 employees from care support workers, residential care workers, qualified nurses and qualified Mental Health nurses.

We mentioned earlier that we are an award winning care agency in Wales, but what award have we won? In 2017 we put our very own Sara Wells up for an award at the Wales Care Awards, Sara is a senior Care Support Worker who has been working with ProCare Nursing for over 10 years, on the night of the awards ceremony Sara left picking up the award for “Excellence in Dementia Care”, here is Sara pictured furthest right with her award along with her certificate.

This should give you confidence to drop us an email or phone call, when you use our services you are in safe hands knowing we have competent carers that are helping improve care standards in local communities and all over Wales.

So if you’re looking for quality social care in Wales then get in touch with us, we have all of the experience to deliver quality care and have been doing so for over 20 years. We have award winning carers and have worked with many health organisations in Wales that trust us to deliver care packages that help improve quality of life for the service users.

ProCare Nursing provide care privately to service users

We have heard over the course of 2019 how the social care system in the UK is in crisis. There is an election that could be the most important election in the country’s history, and whoever gets into power are going to have to eventually tackle the issue of social care head on in Wales and the entire UK.

One reason the social care system needs to be addressed is because it is disadvantaging our NHS. According to the NHS is losing £27,000 per hour because of the social care crisis, local authorities simply have no infrastructure to care and support people when they are ready to leave hospital, what this means is people have to wait longer in hospital taking up beds and NHS resources that lead to the NHS bleeding much needed money.

To put it in real perspective, the NHS is losing £640,000 per day and over £1m every two days, this figure stands correct between the last general election in 2017 and the current general election in December 2019.

There are also other health risks to consider with people staying in hospitals longer than they need to. If people are stuck in hospitals and are unable to be active in their own homes then this can cause serious health defects such as muscle damage and muscular wastage. These health risks will mean two things, one, people will stay in NHS hospitals for longer, or two, they will end up back in hospital further costing the NHS.

Caroline Abrahams from AGE UK goes on to say.

“Two and a half million bed days have been lost in the NHS since the last general election in 2017. The reason for this is because social care services are not capable of caring for people who are ready to be discharged from hospital.”

“The money that is wasted because social care services are not fit for purpose is staggering losing £640,000 per day, however people who are ready to be discharged end up worse off as they can not continue with their rehabilitation and recovery leaving them back at square one.”

ProCare Nursing can help deliver care to your loved ones

We understand that social care services are in crisis that is evident, however, if you are in need of health and social care services ProCare Nursing can help you privately, if you need care in the home we have carers who have years of experience that can deliver quality care to your loved ones.

Don’t leave your loved ones waiting around in NHS beds causing further delays in their recovery, we can help put a care plan in place and get your loved ones back on their feet fighting fit again.

Contact us

ProCare Nursing has over 20 years of experience delivering care to service users in Cardiff and across the South Wales area. If you need advice call us or arrange a meeting we are happy to help.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

We are recruiting health care assistants, registered nurses and domiciliary support workers

We have received over 100 job applications over the last two months and we are not stopping here. We are still recruiting health care assistants, registered nurses and domiciliary care workers at our health and social care agency. We offer fair rates of pay and are committed to training all our care workers.

We are always on the look out for people who have a compassionate heart and that caring streak, for those looking to make a difference in someone’s life. If you are a compassionate and caring person then you could fit in well with our health and social care agency.

We provide full training from our dedicated training department

We invest heavily in training. We know just how important it is to deliver care to a high standard as peoples lives depend on it. At ProCare Nursing we have our own internal training department; our training officers have years of experience delivering training to care workers. We teach everything from first aid, restraining techniques and everything that can assist a carer in delivering high quality care.

Here are a range of photos of training taking place from our in-house facility.

The reason we invest in an in-house training facility is so that we can quality control training. A lot of companies will out-source training to free-lance trainers who are only looking to make a fast buck and tick the boxes, we cannot see training being carried out externally, the fact is in-house training can be overseen and quality controlled, this ensures all carers are fully trained and equipped to carry out quality care to our service users.

We care about recognising excellence at our health and social care agency

It is important to us as an agency to recognise talented carers. We therefore have our own internal awards certificate system. When carers deliver high quality care and exceed expectations, we make sure they are recognised. Here are two of our care support workers receiving employee of the month certificates.

Not only do we reward people internally, we also put our carers forward for awards at prestigious events organised by the Welsh Government. In 2017 we put one of our senior care support workers Sara Wells forward for an award at the Wales Care Awards, Sara won her category for delivering excellence in dementia care. Here is Sara pictured furthest right with her award and certificate.

This shows that we care about our carers and employee personal development, we are here to provide service users with the best standard of care, we can only do this by training our carers well and also recognising our carers well, this then translates into high standards being delivered out in the field of care.

Contact us to enquire about job positions

If you think you have what it takes to become a carer then get in touch, we want to hear from you. Our contact details are below, or you can follow the link to the careers section also linked below.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

ProCare Training Cymru provide quality dementia care training

ProCare Training Cymru are a provider of quality dementia care training.

We service many care companies up and down Wales and all over Cardiff. We have our own in-house training department and can also deliver training off-site at locations all over Wales. Here is information with regards to our dementia training course.

Dementia Awareness Training

Objective: To enable participants to understand the term ‘dementia’ and how it impacts on individuals. Participants will have a better understanding of how dementia impacts on the care needs of an individual.

Course Content:

• What is dementia

• Different types of dementia

• Good practice of guidance

• Dealing with aggression

• Tackling triggers

• Roles and responsibilities

Course length: 3 hours

15 candidates max per session

Cost per group: £245

Individual price: £39

Here are several photos of our training officers delivering health and social care training, including dementia training.

We have trained carers who have gone on to win awards

ProCare Training Cyrmu provide training that only equips carers to deliver first class care. In the photos displayed below we have Sara Wells (pictured furthest right) a senior care support worker we trained at our in-house training facility.

Sara was nominated for the award for “Excellence in Dementia Care” at the Wales Care Awards. Sara won the award on the night. This is evidence that the training we provide including dementia awareness training is to a very high standard, so much so carers we train win awards, the proof is in the pudding.

We quality control all our health and social care training

We regularly observe training courses delivered by our training officers, this ensures that course material is taught to the highest standard, this only ensures that care workers are fully equipped to deliver high standard care work in the field.

We are fully equipped to carry out training to a range of care companies who provide care to service users. The service users are at the heart of everything we do here at ProCare Training Cymru, the better the training the better standard of care that will be delivered out in the field.

ProCare Training Cymru are part of the ProCare Nursing umbrella, we have over 20 years’ experience delivering health and social care services to the care sector, we are an award-winning training agency and there is no training exercise too big or too small for us, we are here to meet all of your training needs so get in touch.

Contact us

ProCare Training Cymru are a health and social care training provider that have years of experience delivering training to care companies. We have training officers that deliver training to the highest of standards, our training officers have many years’ experience. Get in touch to talk about all your health and social training care requirements.

Tel: 029 2025 0611

We are a training provider for care companies who manage care homes in Wales

We are booking in training left, right and centre. ProCare Training Cymru are part of our award-winning company ProCare Nursing. We offer a range of health and social care training courses designed to equip and teach carers with the skills they need to deliver first class care to service users.

ProCare Training Cymru have many years’ experience working in the health and social care training field. We have training officers that have years of experience and are fully qualified to teach health and social care courses.

Here are a range of courses that we teach from our in-house training facility.

All Wales Manual Handling Passport

Autism Awareness

Breakaway Techniques

Challenging Behaviour

Child Protection

Communication & Record Keeping

Diabetes Awareness

DOLS/Mental Capacity Act

Falls Awareness

First Aid

Food Safety

Health & Safety

Incontinence, catheter and stoma care

Medication management

Oral Hygiene

Prevention & Management of Violence and Aggression

Safe Use of Bed Rails

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

Stroke Awareness

Bite-size Refresher Courses

For many years we have continually developed our in-house training department. We are not a training company that ships in and ships out students for financial gain, we care greatly about the training we deliver and what the ultimate outcome is, first class care being delivered out in the care sector.

The health and social care sector are riddled with training companies that want to make a fast buck. ProCare Training Cymru are part of ProCare Nursing and have prided ourselves on delivering excellent training, so much so that our course participants win care awards.

Displayed in the photo we have Sara Wells (furthest right) one of our senior care support workers.

Sara walked away picking up the “Excellence in Dementia Care Award” at the Wales Care Awards in 2017. Sara has worked for us in the past and has received training from our training department. The training we deliver equips carers to deliver care for the most vulnerable adults in our society, especially those who have dementia and Mental Health Conditions.

We have not only won awards recently but in the past as well. Here is a care award we picked up in 2014 at the Wales Care Awards.

We have a wealth of experience when it comes to health and social care training. We carry out training in-house so that all courses are quality controlled. In-house training means we don’t have to free-lance work out offsite, the problem with delivering training offsite using free-lancers is you cannot see the training being delivered, is it of quality? Or is the free-lancer looking to make a quick financial gain, shipping in students and shipping them out so that they get paid.

ProCare Training Cymru’s priority is to ensure all students are taught health and social care topics to the highest standard, this only translates to quality care being delivered in the care field, and the service user has to be at the heart of everything we do within the care sector, that is paramount.

Contact us to discuss your training needs

If you have any health and social care training requirements we can help. Get in touch with us and we will discuss all of your training needs you have, we deliver training that will be effective and will help your carers deliver quality care that will only help service users lead a sustained quality of life. Our contact details are displayed below.

Tel: 029 2025 0611