Is brexit harming the Health and Social Care sector
Over the past three years politics has been dominated by brexit, first it was the referendum in 2016 where the UK decided to leave, then the ongoing two year negotiations that has probably divided the UK even more. It’s probably fair to say that our political system in the UK is in tatters, however we are going to talk about the effect brexit could possibly have in the health and social care sector.
Firstly as an award winning agency that has been established for over 20 years we believe that the care sector could be in serious trouble, if brexit continues to dominate the political agenda in this country then the health and social care sector is not going to improve, but why would we say this?
The more we go on about brexit and debate brexit means other areas in Wales and the UK are going to be neglected especially in the health and social care sector. In 2017 the conservative government said they would be publishing a Green Paper that will help go towards fixing the crisis in our health and social care sector, the Green Paper objective was to look at whether the social care sector was financially and politically unsustainable, and whether local authorities were doing enough to support and invest in older people from providing adequate housing as an example.
The Green Paper was delayed six times since 2017 and is still unpublished, our question is this, is brexit causing these delays? MP Matt Hancock Secretary of state for health and social care has blamed the delays on “narrow partisan politics”, partisan politics means political MP’s can be so dedicated to their political parties that no compromises can be made between other political parties, basically nobody is getting along.
However with the toxic brexit debate raging is this having an affect on other areas such as health and social care? If so then we are a long way away from the social care crisis being fixed putting older peoples care at risk.
We recently wrote an article reporting on the need for 20,000 more carers in Wales by 2034, it is forecast that there will be 100,000 people over the age of 80 by 2034, this will mean more resources will need to be provided to help care for more elderly people, but with Green Papers being delayed are we going to come up with the solutions to ensure that our senior citizens are looked after in their older age, and with brexit dominating the political agenda these solutions are not going to come any time soon. Here is a graph that shows the age increase in the population by 2034.

ProCare Nursing going above and beyond to support the health and social care sector
ProCare Nursing are a health and social care agency providing quality care to a variety of clients. We support residential homes, Mental Health care units and private homes looking after the elderly and vulnerable adults. Here are a range of organisations we service in the health and social care sector.
We provide first class care to all of our clients and train all of our staff in our in-house training department. We have a big advantage training in-house because it ensures that we maintain quality control, all of our carers are fully equipped to work in any given environment. Here are a few photos of a recent training course underway at our in-house facility.
We have nurses and carers who have worked for us for years. Here is Sara Wells one of our senior Care Support Workers (pictured furthest right) receiving the award for “Excellence in Dementia Care” at the Wales Care Awards.
Don’t let brexit leave you feeling blue
We have award winning carers that deliver high quality care to our clients. Even though the Green Paper for social care has been delayed and delayed probably because of all the division that brexit is causing, that doesn’t mean to say that the future is completely grim, there are award winning agencies out there like ours that work tirelessly in the health and social care sector improving peoples lives.
So, if you need advice and support get in touch we are here to offer you the solutions you need to ensure people get the care they deserve.