A big thank you to all of our carers working for ProCare Nursing
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful carers and employees in this time of national crisis, you have proven to go above and beyond your duty of care. All of our carers have ensured all of our service users have been well looked after to the highest standard during this challenging time. We would also like to thank all of our behind the scenes staff, who have been coordinating the massive task of ensuring all vulnerable people in our care are looked after.
Over the past week we have invested in new technology to ensure that care coordinators are able to do their job from home, helping them self-isolate ensuring their safety, this is helping decrease the chances of our workers being able to spread the corona virus. Rest assure ProCare Nursing are doing everything in our power to ensure all of our workers are safeguarded along with all service users.
Since the corona virus outbreak, we have continually informed all of our carers how to prevent the spread of the virus. We have provided guidelines for personal hygiene and how to best wash your hands after delivering care to service users, it may seem tedious but washing your hands to stop the spread of the virus could prove vital.
Again, we would like to thank you all and say keep up the good work. It has been so refreshing to see the community all over Cardiff and South Wales come together in this time of national emergency, from volunteers coming forward to help the NHS, to everyone taking social distancing measures seriously. We look forward to seeing the community come together even more over the coming weeks and months.
Contact us if you have any enquiries at this time
If you have any queries then get in touch we are happy to help. ProCare Nursing are a health and social care agency with over 20 years experience providing award winning care to service users.
Tel: 029 2025 0611